ZF6HP26 Automatic Transmission Fluid Level Procedures
The Oil Drain and filling procedure will vary between models so please use the flowing information as a guide only.
ZF-6HP26 Oil Drain Plug
Draining The Oil (Polyamide & Steel Oilpan)
To drain simply remove the drain plug on the underside of the sump towards the rear of the transmission. The plug requires a 12mm or 10mm allen key for removal and make sure you use caution as it is plastic (Polyamide) if incorrect key is used it will strip out.
Draining The Oil (Polyamide & Steel Oilpans with 2 Plugs)
To drain simply remove the drain plug on the underside of the sump towards the front or rear of the transmission. The plug requires either a 5mm or 6mm allen key for removal.
Filling The Oil (Sumps with only 1 Plug)
On the left hand side of the transmission housing looking from the back to the front there is a filler plug towards the front of the transmission. Remove this plug with an 8mm allen key then with then engine off pump the recommended fluid in until it starts to run out the hole, you may need to make sure the pump nozzle if raised so its not blocking the fluid from coming out.
Filling The Oil (Sumps with 2 Plugs)
On the bottom of the sump there is a filler plug towards the back of the transmission. Remove the plug with an 17mm allen key Then with the engine off pump the recommended fluid in until it starts to run out the hole, you may need to make sure the pump nozzle is pointing in the correct direction which will alloy the oil to enter the sump. If oil deflector is in the correct position the nozzle should face the back of the transmission. Have a good look up there with a touch to get an idea and make sure you don’t damage the plastic deflector.
If you have a Diagnostic Scanner available it is recommended to plug in and monitor the engine Revs and Transmission Oil Temperature. Recommended Revs 750 while in Park. Recommended Temperature 40°C at final check. If no Scanner is available do not run longer than 15 minutes during filling time. If temperature rises over 50°C allow the transmission to cool before final check.
Filling Continued…
Once the fluid starts to run out replace the filler plug loosely and then with selector in Park start the vehicle’s engine. When engine revs at idle or 750rpm (You may need to turn on Head Lights or Air Conditioning to raise RPM) remove the filler plug and continue filling until fluid starts to run out.
Once its running out for the second time you can replace the filler plug and with your foot hard on the brake pedal select Drive and Reverse at least 2 times make sure you allow the gears to engage. Now the transmission temp should be about 40°C and you can now remove the filler plug and preform the final oil level check. If you need to add more oil do so or allow and excess oil to drain if over full.
Oil Overflow
When full there should be a small stream of oil if it stops streaming at correct temperature add a bit more. If you remove the Pump Nozzle and its pouring out its over full allow it enough time to drain.
With the correct Temperature, Engine RPM and Oil Overflow Stream you can now replace the filler plug and tighten to the recommended torque setting.
Information List
- Recommended Fluid – ZF-LifeGuard Fluid 6
- Recommended Checking Temperature – 40°C
- Recommended Checking RPM – 750rpm
- Drain Plug Tightening Torque – 8 Nm (Polyamide Oilpan)
- Filler Plug Tightening Torque – 35 Nm (Plug on side of Case)
- Drain Plug Tightening Torque – 12 Nm (Steel Oilpan)
- Filler Plug Tightening Torque – 30 Nm (17mm HEX Steel Oilpan)